1. But there is no question that if either party insists on bringing in a so-called "neutral" third party (usually some representative of the state or legal profession), not only will the process take longer, in many instances it will be more 可是毫无疑问,如果任何一方坚持要有所谓 "中立"的第三方(通常是政府代表或者职业律师)介入,那不但会拖长决策过程,而且在很多时候,决策还会更加武断、更加不人道。
2. The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and tasty. 竹子的幼芽脆嫩可口.
3. The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and tasty. 竹子的幼芽脆嫩可口.
4. The vagueness of the language suggests its purpose is as much rhetorical as legal. 这种意义含糊的语言表明表格的目的不但是修辞性的而且是法律性的。
5. The British members would like the system to have enough legal power to make companies behave themselves. 英国委员们希望这一体系有充分的法律效力以使公司规范行事。
6. Now I know why your skin is so tender. 现在我知道你的皮肤为什么这么嫩了.
7. Now I know why your skin is so tender. 现在我知道你的皮肤为什么这么嫩了.
8. He is the legal possessor of this house. 他是这座房子的法定所有人。
9. Don´t touch the place;it s very tender. 别碰这地方,这里很怕痛。
10. And if it is ever attempted, it should — and no doubt will — take place only under careful examination and layers of legal administration. 而且,如果试图研究,它就应当——而且毫无疑问地将会——在细致的检查和层层的法律监督之下进行。